Now - What am I currently doing?

I am taking time off to dedicate myself full-time to web3.



Patrick Collins massive Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course


I got a seat of the 8 week Solana Bootcamp


I am participating in the NEAR MetaBUILD III Hack where our project is GroundOne, see here for the code base.

Growing out of EthLisbon we continue buidling our project Embrace Community, see here for the code base.

Recent past

I got a seat of the 5 week ZK Bootcamp 8 week Encode Solidity bootcamp

Further past

I've did my third hack Hackathon!

Web3 Community Buidler - as part of HackFS

Finished Udacity's Blockchain Developer Nanodegree